Lupe & the Austrians, solo show at Christopher Paschall Gallery Bogotá, Colombia.
“Lupe” was my first childhood doll and the first image that led me to question, “Do I want to have her or to be her?” The doll is multiplied into twelve sculptures, each transformed into Siamese twins.

July 14- September 16 , 2011 Part of Lupe and the Austrians, solo show at Christopher Paschall Gallery Bogota Colombia. Exhibition view.

Her art collection is more interesting than she is, 2011, black ink-jet print on canvas, 54" x 30" She is more interesting than her art collection, 2011, black ink-jet print on canvas, 54" x 30"

Her work is more interesting than she is, 2011, black ink-jet print on canvas, 54" x 30" She is more interesting than her work is, 2011, black ink-jet print on canvas, 54" x 30"